Nancy is a licensed clinical social worker, certified marriage and family therapist, author, public speaker, and parent coach with over 30 years of experience working with children and their families. Her career is dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families navigate life’s many challenges, with a particular focus on healing from trauma. Nancy employs a variety of therapeutic modalities, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and mindfulness techniques.
Following the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida in 2019, Nancy took a pivotal role in addressing the trauma experienced by survivors. She interviewed over 1,000 students, parents, educators, police officers, lawmakers, and mental health professionals from around the county, shedding light on the profound impact of gun violence and school security drills on today’s children.
Her work led to the creation of protocols designed to reduce anxiety and trauma associated with school security measures. Nancy’s book, “LOCKDOWN: Talking to Your Children About School Security,” aims to educate educators and parents on effective methods for helping children cope with these stressors. Her advocacy contributed to the passage of a law in New Jersey that considers children’s mental health in the implementation of school security drills. Nancy also consults with school districts to help them implement her recommendations and frequently speaks to parent groups on various topics.
Nancy passionately advocates for delaying the introduction of technology and electronic devices to children, highlighting their addictive and alienating effects. Additionally, she is dedicated to promoting the importance of healthy eating habits and their connection to mental health, raising awareness about the decline in children’s nutritional well-being.
Nancy’s ability to connect with her clients and audiences is one of her most cherished talents. Her calm yet engaging approach invites people to join her on a journey of healing and understanding. Through her work, Nancy continues to strive for a world where every child can grow up healthy, resilient, and supported.